The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
(OverDrive Listen)
Who could forget the pranks, the adventures, the sheer fun of Tom Sawyer? From Tom's sly trickery with the whitewashed fence to his and Becky Thatcher's calamities in Bat Cave, the enjoyment never ends.
Just what did boys do in a small town during the mid-1800s, a time when there were no televisions, no arcades, and no videos? They whitewashed fences, floated down rivers, traded marbles, formed secret societies, smoked pipes, and, on occasion, managed to attend their own funerals. Yes, they may have been a bit mischievous, but as Aunt Polly said of Tom when she believed him to be dead, "He was the best-hearted boy that ever was." Aunt Polly's sentiments reveal one of Mark Twain's cardinal philosophies: In this deceitful and infirm world, innocence can be found only in the heart of a boy.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a humorous and nostalgic book depicting the carefree days of boyhood in a small Midwestern town. The characters are based on Twain's schoolmates and the town, Hannibal, Missouri, is where Twain grew up.
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Level 3.6, 2 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Mark Twain. (2007). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Unabridged Blackstone Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Mark Twain. 2007. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Blackstone Publishing.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Blackstone Publishing, 2007.
MLA Citation (style guide)Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Unabridged Blackstone Publishing, 2007.
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OverDrive Product Record
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- Adventures of Tom Sawyer Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Series Book 01
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- The Adventures of Tom and Huck
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- fileAs: Twain, Mark
- bioText: Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835, Mark Twain spent his youth in Hannibal, Missouri, which forms the setting for his two greatest works, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Trying his hand at printing, typesetting and then gold-mining, the former steam-boat pilot eventually found his calling in journalism and travel writing. Dubbed 'the father of American literature' by William Faulkner, Twain died in 1910 after a colourful life of travelling, bankruptcy and great literary success.
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- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- fullDescription
Who could forget the pranks, the adventures, the sheer fun of Tom Sawyer? From Tom's sly trickery with the whitewashed fence to his and Becky Thatcher's calamities in Bat Cave, the enjoyment never ends.
Just what did boys do in a small town during the mid-1800s, a time when there were no televisions, no arcades, and no videos? They whitewashed fences, floated down rivers, traded marbles, formed secret societies, smoked pipes, and, on occasion, managed to attend their own funerals. Yes, they may have been a bit mischievous, but as Aunt Polly said of Tom when she believed him to be dead, "He was the best-hearted boy that ever was." Aunt Polly's sentiments reveal one of Mark Twain's cardinal philosophies: In this deceitful and infirm world, innocence can be found only in the heart of a boy.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a humorous and nostalgic book depicting the carefree days of boyhood in a small Midwestern town. The characters are based on Twain's schoolmates and the town, Hannibal, Missouri, is where Twain grew up.
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- value: Grade 6
- value: Grade 7
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- value: Classic Literature
- value: Fiction
- value: Thriller
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- 01/01/2007
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- shortDescription
Who could forget the pranks, the adventures, the sheer fun of Tom Sawyer? From Tom's sly trickery with the whitewashed fence to his and Becky Thatcher's calamities in Bat Cave, the enjoyment never ends.
Just what did boys do in a small town during the mid-1800s, a time when there were no televisions, no arcades, and no videos? They whitewashed fences, floated down rivers, traded marbles, formed secret societies, smoked pipes, and, on occasion, managed to attend their own funerals. Yes, they may have been a bit mischievous, but as Aunt Polly said of Tom when she believed him to be dead, "He was the best-hearted boy that ever was." Aunt Polly's sentiments reveal one of Mark Twain's cardinal philosophies: In this deceitful and infirm world, innocence can be found only in the heart of a boy.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a humorous and nostalgic book depicting the carefree days of boyhood in a small Midwestern town. The characters are based on Twain's schoolmates and...
- sortTitle
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer
- lexileScore
- 980
- crossRefId
- 61471
- classifications
- series
- The Adventures of Tom and Huck
- publisher
- Blackstone Publishing
- bisacCodes
- code: FIC002000
- description: Fiction / Action & Adventure
- code: FIC004000
- description: Fiction / Classics